Welcome to "Grounds for Growth"! 

A website dedicated to encouraging serious following of Jesus Christ as Saviour & Lord. 

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 BTW ... the goal of our Christian life is not for "me to become strong" ... rather it is for me to recognize that I have been united to Christ in His death & resurrection, so that it is no longer "I" that live, but Christ who lives in me ... He is my Strength ... when I truly know that I am weak & will never be strong and therefore to "abide in Christ" is my only hope & help, then He works in & through me to His glory!

Don’t read someone else’s devotional! Do you own devotions with the Lord!

Don’t read someone else’s “prayers” to the Lord ... pray your own ... in your own words from your heart! 

Remember - God is not impressed with fancy words, turns of phrases or flowering language - especially when they aren’t even your own!


An older lady once told me there was no use her trying to memorise Scripture because her memory was “like a sieve” & she did not retain anything she tried to memorise! 

The Lord gave me an answer for her … I asked if she did any  baking, and she said she did. I asked if she washed her flour sieve after using it. She said she always washed it under running water. I asked her what the use was of putting it under running water since the sieve did not retain the water! She looked at me & smiled, and said “Because the water washes it clean!” 

She realised where I was going and said, “Oh I see … even if I don’t remember too much of the verses, the process of letting the Scripture go through my thoughts cleans my mind of dirt!”

 She actually went on to memorize quite a bit of Scripture!