Mini-Scripture Saturation  (4 weeks)

The struggle with sin can be fierce, so we need the Lord’s wisdom & power in dealing with it.  The best thing is to fill one’s mind & heart with reading & studying God’s Word every day. As we do so, the Holy Spirit will apply His truth to our lives and give us wisdom in knowing what to do.

I truly believe it is only through the Word of God, which is truth, that one is set free! John 8:32 - "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Would you be willing to commit to a series of readings which teach on this matter of dealing with sin in our lives? It will require about ½ per day for 4 weeks.

Week 1

Monday          Read chapters 5 through 8 of the book of Romans

Tuesday          Read Colossians chapter 3 - 4:6

Wednesday  Read Ephesians chapters 4 - 6

Thursday          Read Galatians chapters 5 & 6

Friday  Read all 4 chapters of Philippians

Saturday          Read James chapters 1- 3

Week 2

Mon - Sat          Read Romans chapter 6 every day through twice - once in the morning, once at night

Week 3

Monday          Read 1 Timothy chapters 1 - 3

Tuesday          Read 1 Timothy chapters 4 -6

Wednesday  Read 2 Timothy chapters 1 - 2

Thursday          Read 2 Timothy chapters 3-4

Friday  Read Titus chapters 1-3

Saturday          Do an extended reading of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy & Titus

Week 4 (same as week 1)

Monday          Read chapters 5 through 8 of the book of Romans

Tuesday          Read Colossians chapter 3 - 4:6

Wednesday  Read Ephesians chapters 4 - 6

Thursday          Read Galatians chapters 5 & 6

Friday  Read all 4 chapters of Philippians

Saturday          Read James chapters 1- 3


It is most important to ALWAYS pray before your begin to read God's Word! We need the help of the Holy Spirit to understand, receive & implement the truth.

 Each day, select one verse from the reading to write out, carry with you, think about & meditate on, and seek to practically apply that day.

VERY IMPORTANT:  read God’s Word  'in faith' … i.e. as you read, 1.  Believe & expect that the Lord will speak to you. Remember Heb 11:6 "he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."    2. Believe & expect that this is going to help you since this is not just a 'devotional book' but in fact is God's Word, which is powerful & effective : 1 Thess 2:13 says   "the word of God, which effectively works in you who believe."

As an accountability, if you like you could email me or write me a letter at least once each week and let me know how things are going & how the Lord is helping you to have victory this week.  (Email address is