Scripture Saturation 

There is only one book inspired by the Living & True God who created all things. The Bible is God's revelation to us. In it he has revealed everything we need to know about Himself, about ourselves and the world.

 2 Peter 1:2-5   "May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord. By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the One who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share His divine nature and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires. In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God's promises." 

Unfortunately, for some strange reason, modern Christians access every other resource EXCEPT the Bible! We love to go to books, preachers, conferences, seminars, etc, but we seem very slow to spend time or effort reading & studying God's Word!!

In response to a number of men who have indicated personal struggles, I laid out a period of pertinent/ essential Scripture ‘saturation’ ( as I firmly believe that “everything necessary for life & godliness” is in the Word, and that it is entirely enough as the inspired Word of God to teach, rebuke, correct & train us in righteousness & equip us for every good work!)

I truly believe it is only through the Word of God, which is truth, that one is set free! John 8:32 – “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Would you be willing to embark on a 3 month “Scripture saturation” program, to gain victory in your life? 

This is what it would look like, and would require a commitment of about ½ hour per day:

Some preliminary instructions ...

It is most important to ALWAYS pray before your begin to read God’s Word! We need the help of the Holy Spirit to understand, receive & implement the truth.

Read ‘in faith’ … i.e. as you read,

1.        believe & expect that the Lord will speak to you … Heb 11:6 “…he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

2.        .. believe & expect that this is going to help you since this is not just a ‘devotional book’ but in                                                                                                                                         fact God’s Word, which is powerful & effective  - 1 Thess 2:13  “…the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe.”

Each day you would select one verse from the reading to write out, carry with you, think about/ meditate on, and seek to practically apply that day.

For accountability, I would ask that you email me at least once each week at  … choose a specific day that you would always do it … and tell me how things are going & how the Lord is helping you to have victory this week.

Week 1

Day 1                 Rom 5 – 8

Day 2                 Rom 5 - 6 

Day 3                 Rom 5 - 6

Day 4                 Rom 6 - 7

Day 5                 Rom 6 - 7

Day 6                 Rom 7 - 8

Day 7                 Rom 7 - 8

Week 2

Day 1           Galatians (whole bk)

Day 2           Philippians (whole bk)

Day 3           Ephesians (whole bk)

Day 4           Colossians (whole bk)

Day 5           1 Timothy (whole bk)

Day 6           2 Timothy (whole bk)

Day 7           Titus (whole bk)

Week 3

Colossians (whole bk every day)

Week 4

Day 1           1 Peter

Day 2           James

Day 3           1 John

Day 4           1 Peter

Day 5           James

Day 6           1 John

Day 7           1 Peter

Week 5

Ephesians (whole bk every day)

Week 6

Rom 6  (every day)

Week 7

Day 1           Galatians

Day 2           Gal 5 & 6

Day 3           Eph 4-6

Day 4           Col 3 & 4

Day 5           Gal 5 & 6

Day 6           Eph 4-6

Day 7           Col 3 & 4

Week 8

Colossians (whole bk every day)

Week 9

Day 1           1 Peter

Day 2           James

Day 3           1 John

Day 4           1 Peter

Day 5           1 Timothy

Day 6           2 Timothy

Day 7           Titus

Week 10

Ephesians (whole bk every day)

Week 11

Rom 6  (every day)

Week 12

Day 1           Col 3 & 4

Day 2           Gal 5 & 6

Day 3           Eph 4-6

Day 4           Col 3 & 4

Day 5           Gal 5 & 6

Day 6           Eph 4-6

Day 7           Col 3 & 4